The American Theatre Organ Society, also known as ATOS, is a National organization. The NorCal Theatre Organ Society is a chapter of ATOS.
ATOS and Nor-Cal are dedicated to promoting the tradition of the theatre pipe organ and public understanding and appreciation of the instrument and its music, and shall aid in any way possible the preservation of theatre organs through rehabilitation of instruments and fostering the arts of playing, building, voicing, and maintenance. Both organizations are non-profit public educational corporations under IRS Section 501(c)(3).
The following seven members are on our Board of Directors:
Chris Booras - Chairman
Judson Owens - Vice Chairman
Ted Hubbard - Treasurer
Rudy Frey - Secretary
Gordon Pratt - Program Chairman
Kevin King - Crew Chief
The following members are in charge of some of NorCal's functions.
Neal Wood - Membership Chairman
Chris Nichols - Webmaster
Membership in ATOS, the national organization, includes a subscription to Theatre Organ magazine, the journal of the American Theatre Organ Society. If you wish to attend the annual National ATOS convention, you must be a member of the National organization.
Membership in the NorCal Chapter of ATOS includes a subscription to The Windsheet, our news letter, which contains various articles related to the theatre organ and notice of upcoming chapter and area theatre organ events. Chapter membership also includes the privilege of playing the chapter Wurlitzer organ at the Berkeley Community Theatre at Open Console sessions which are held almost every month. Chapter membership includes your spouse/significant other and children under 18 if applicable.
We hope you will join us to help preserve and enjoy these great instruments. Yearly dues are $50 for ATOS and $20 for NorCal. It is not required that you join ATOS to become a member of NorCal, but it is highly recommended. If you join both NorCal and ATOS you may submit the entire amount to us and we will forward your membership information and payment to ATOS.
Joining and Contacting NorCal
There are several ways you can join NorCal or get further information:
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